Nebraska: 226 realitních agentů

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Sarah přináší ke stolu více než 13 let zkušeností s prodejem a zákaznickým servisem a vyškolené oko pro potenciál. Miluje, když je v souladu s důvěryhodnou společností, která se věnuje vynikajícím službám a místním znalostem. Členové týmu Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate žijí podle pěti základních hodnot: vášeň, autenticita, začlenění, růst a dokonalost. Spojením inovací, dlouholetých marketingových zkušeností a hluboce zakořeněného vztahu se svým městem klade Sarah vždy klienta na první místo.
Medián prodejní ceny
5 652 114 CZK
Nabídky k prodeji
Zde je to, co můžete očekávat, když se mnou budete spolupracovat na stavbě, nákupu nebo prodeji: Textová zpráva, telefon, DM, e-mail - jakkoli se chcete připojit, budete to JÁ, koho dostanete POKAŽDÉ. Jako kupující se můžete opřít o mé 12leté zkušenosti v metru v Omaze, abyste si mohli užít proces nákupu a cítit se sebejistě při rozhodování o koupi domu. Pomohu vám zorientovat se v životě v novém domově ještě dlouho poté, co zavřou, odpovím na otázky nebo si zajdete na kávu. Noví klienti = noví přátelé!
Medián prodejní ceny
16 613 889 CZK
Nabídky k prodeji
Darla pracuje pro lepší domy a zahrady Real Estate, Good Life Group a byl v oblasti nemovitostí za posledních sedm let. Před tím, Darla byl hypoteční věřitel a pracoval mnoho let v Retail Management. Ve složitém trhu s nemovitostmi je důležité mít někoho, kdo bude osobně zastupovat vás v každé fázi budování svého snu domů. Darla je dopředu myšlení a poskytuje svým klientům profesionální, přátelské služby a zdravý rozum řešení pro jejich potřeby nemovitostí.
Medián prodejní ceny
8 586 231 CZK
Nabídky k prodeji
Hi, my name is Mike McCann. I am a longtime Nebraska Land Broker and Commercial Broker! I am the Owner and Broker of Mach1 Realty...a powerhouse of agents in Nebraska! I help people and investors Sell, Buy, Auction, and Manage Farm Land Real Estate throughout Nebraska... Farm Land, Ranch Land, Water Rights, 1031 Exchanges. I have been doing it for over 30 years! I would like to earn your business. Here are a few things you should know about me. * I am a Professional Real Estate Broker, Auctioneer, Farm Manager, Consultant, and Adviser. I have helped hundreds of buyers, sellers, and owners accomplish their goals! I am the owner of my company and have full authority to make all final decisions. I am experienced in 1031 Exchanges. I work hard to get the job done! Many of my clients have used me 4 or more times over the past 30 years! * I am experienced in Estate Sales: Selling your Family Farm or property is never easy…Let me help you and yours...or those you know... Sell in a way that is respectful to the history of the Land and to those who left their blood, sweat, and tears in the soil. * I Manage farms for the owners. I work very hard to insure that the Owners and Tenants I work with are happy and satisfied. I also am a Notary Public and perform that duty at no charge. * I sell Tillable Farms, Raw Land, Ranches, and Water Rights in many different ways...some are quiet (or private) sales where there is no advertising, some are more traditional by utilizing your typical Listing or by live Auction throughout Nebraska. If you, your family, friends, associates, or your clients, have a property to Sell or Buy & you do not cover that area, please call me or text me. I will sell or help buyers buy any size farm property. * I will do Farm or Land Auctions statewide. I can also refer you to a Professional Broker or Auctioneer worldwide...even in your area; who meets my strict guidelines for experience, ability, and success. I concentrate on Real Estate and refer equipment elsewhere. * I have won or received multiple awards but what I am most proud of are the hundreds of happy clients I now call friends and friends I also call clients. DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE WHO IS GETTING READY TO SELL: Farms, Land, Commercial or Investment Property, or Water Rights? Contact Me!! Anywhere in the world!! Farmland For Sale in Nebraska is a hot not miss out by being uninformed. I can represent you as a Buyers Agent if you want to buy farm ground that I do not have listed. *I have been licensed to sell real estate since 1992 and was involved with real estate sales for many years prior to that. From that first Farm I sold in 1993 to the current one that closes soon...I know farm land...especially Nebraska Farm Land that is For Sale! *Contact me and/or visit my website for more information. *May I help you sell or buy Nebraska Farm Land or Homes or Commercial or Multi-Family? Call or text me and let's talk. Talking/texting on the phone is FREE! Of course references are available!! If I don't sell don't pay me a dime!! Your time is valuable...don't waste your me for fair and honest answers. And finally...yes I have agents who work for me in 4 different regions of the state. We really do have you covered! Thank you, Mike
Medián prodejní ceny
9 756 178 CZK
Nabídky k prodeji
Specializuji se na pozemky, obytné, komerční a rekreační nemovitosti!
Medián prodejní ceny
3 693 326 CZK
Nabídky k prodeji